qui vivra verra

Life is too fragile. Treasure everyone around us.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Summer 2007

Finally summer arrived in mid July. Schlumberger museum is located at Chateau de crevecoeur near Liseiux. It was open day for the museum. First time we were upclose with a 11century construction of timber in the area of Pays d'Auge.
11 century castle
The trip there were enjoyable with a pit stop lunching at Honfleur.
KaiXin was having a goodtime practicing her cheerleader skill at schlumberger exposition area.


  • At 12:22 AM, Blogger David C. Ng said…

    Cute! You can put the youtube video right into your blog. Copy the embed link from youtube. Then when you are in blogger, click the html version and paste the link from youtube. Try it!


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