qui vivra verra

Life is too fragile. Treasure everyone around us.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

This year christmas ski trip started unpleasently, with the plane the earlier day was cancelled due to strick. We missed our flight and have to wait for 5 hours at CDG2D for the next flight which was further delay. We arrived at the Valmeinier slop hungry and tired after 15hours from door to door which was the same if we had drived. KaiXin was more brave to try out tobaggon and KaiWen as schedule manage to pass his 'flacon' beginning ski class. Dominic did get the bug for skiing but not snowboarding and is already talking about the next ski vacation with his friends. YT as usual was down in constipation due to stress while travelling. KX poor girl got the stomach virus after spending 4 hours outdoor playing on the snow slop. Mummy with her twisted knee after only the first day on the slop. A very memorable vacation indeed...



  • At 9:18 PM, Blogger David C. Ng said…

    Looks like the only one enjoying the most was KW. Skiing and snowboarding are pretty strenuous activities, so you all should really hit the gym to be fit before you go for your trip.


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