qui vivra verra

Life is too fragile. Treasure everyone around us.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Kai Wen is always busy. For this year CP, he is taking judo classes in school and the second half of the year is basketball .

He enjoyed his violin lesson at the 'conservetor national d'Amiens'. He play a size 1/4 violin. He also spend time on squash and manderin class. No school on Wednesday and Saturday but a lot of activities to keep him occupied.


What do we do when the weather is good?? Hang out our dirty laundry!! It remind me so much of the time in Malaysia but only for the few months of the year we could do just that. When the rain comes all of a sudden, all will be lost and back to the washer again.
The house is so sound prof that we do not hear the even heavy pouring outside. Double glass with vacuum seal plus rubber sealing on the side.
Grandma and aunty Ling (grandma friend) out with their daily chores.


Ipoh is very close to heart where we always go back for good food and family reunion. But here in French, Yport (pronounce in french same as Ipoh) and Fecamp ( town of the benedictine DOM factory) is a place where we will bring out relative to when the sun is shining. The DOM factory is more of a ' grand palais'. The beach is all small stone but it did not stop the kids from having fun. FUN IN THE SUN


Musically incline but always make a fuss when going to Jardin musical classes. KaiXin was the princess for the day and was so proud of her new ball-dress for the photo shot at school and decide to continue also at home with grandma.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

After having master a little french. I started to explore the world of french cuisine. It was an exciting moment working in a proffesional kitchen together with the chef. I learnt how to make a med salad with balsimique viniger and bake duck in a bread doh. I still keep the know how of doing a good salad for my lunch at home but I am not into duck.


Happy birthday grandma 62nd birthday. The candles was all up like a forest in on the green tea cake. Each parading a card (Kaiwen with Dav's card. KaiXin with Dan's card and the birthday girl with Diana and Dom's card). It was the best dessert of the day.


Sunday, May 18, 2008

It was really a challenge to give a presentation in French. Since it was on a topic that I know very well (Malaysia), there is not so difficult with enought preparation and support for the group. It has been a while since I have done any public speaking. The best was when they tasted the dodol and malaysian cookies (hong piang).


Spring festival in Feb 2008 was very exciting. The children get to sit in places when the adualts leave the mahjong table. It is a good oportunity to learn a little Chinese character while learning the rule of gambling. :) How can any child not get excited on the morning for 'angpow'!! It is an occasion to see red for this happy day. Even manage to get a reunion picture with Dav and Dan family.

Everything has it first. This is KaiXin first meal on the kids table with mummy watching. She has no problem eating with her friends at school but with mummy around is always too demanding.


Friday, May 16, 2008

1st of May is a time where French give 'mugget' a white flower that has a very sweet smell. I was so very suprise to recieve it from Kaiwen's Chinese classmate mum.


It is end of April and the tree are flowering.
How do you like my new look with spec?

The May Spring holiday weather was abnormally greet. It felt that summer was here early. Made a great trip to Holland to Kinderdjk (wind mills) and Keukenhof (tulip garden). Unfortunely, they have started to snip off the tulip 2 weeks before the garden is schedule to close. In Nertherland there are waterways right in the middle of the town and the cars are all parked by the edge of the water without barrier.

