qui vivra verra

Life is too fragile. Treasure everyone around us.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Really enjoyed the summer. Ladies topless sunbathing by the beach, even old ladies were doing that. I am still not able to wear a bikini in public, but already have the courage to buy one. Still staying in the closet, maybe forever. I have never seen so many big yacht before. All harboring by the sea side at Cannes.

Unfortunately did not rube shoulders with any of the rich and famous holidaying there. Going around Monte-Carlo to identify the F1 racing route in the city was just like a treasure hunt.

The leaning tower of Pisa construction was stopped twice for 100 years each before it was completed. They knew it was leaning from the start, but it did not stop them form finishing the magnificant bell tower for the cathedral. After visiting the cathedral at Florence, it showed that the italian really know how to appreciate marble for wall and flooring.

The vine and fine dining is all spoiling my waist line. Lunching at Paris with tiny table by the street has it entertainment which is people watching.

Notice that the little girl was sleeping mostly at the wrong time. Aunty LK would always get her at easy with a magical tune. Twinkle twinkle little star with a opera twist. Marilyn Monroe did it with a dress but this little girl at Moulin Rouge has her hair all blown up instead. Hair beautifully blown for the day

It is a little town beside Strasbourg France. Wheel of fortune was found in Kehl, German. This is the first time KW went on a fast train ride, TGV .

We wonder a little on the Rhine mountain and found a nice little town Titisee in Germany. It was cooling in the hot summer sun. We even manage to pluck some wild apples by the road side. It was certainly very different from the grey sky at Mount St Michel.
